UCD Western Center for Agricultural Health and Safety

The Western Center for Agricultural Health and Safety at the University of California, Davis is a diverse group of researchers, educators, and communicators who are dedicated to the understanding and prevention of illness and injury in western agriculture.

They have created three videos to educate workers about how to stay safe while working outdoors in the heat. The videos are in Spanish and have closed captioning available in both Spanish and English.

These videos were developed by the Western Center for Agricultural Health and Safety. These materials are part of the Worker Occupational Safety and Health Training and Education Program (WOSHTEP) administered by the Commission on Health and Safety and Workers’ Compensation in the California Department of Industrial Relations through interagency agreements with the Labor Occupational Health Program at the University of California, Berkeley, the Western Center for Agricultural Health and Safety at the University of California, Davis, and the Labor Occupational Safety and Health Program at the University of California, Los Angeles.

Please click the buttons below to watch the videos on water, rest, and shade:

Trabajando en el Calor en CA: Agua (Working in the Heat in CA: Water) (1:41)

Information on employer responsibilities to provide drinking water, including
how much water to drink and why it is important.


Trabajando en el Calor en CA: Descansos (Working in the Heat in CA: Rest) (1:49)

Information on employer responsibilities to provide workers with time for rest breaks,
including frequency and length of breaks, and why taking breaks is important to
prevent heat illness.

Trabajando en el Calor en CA: Sombra (Working in the Heat in CA: Shade) (1:49)

Information on employer responsibilities to provide shade for outdoor workers
and additional measures workers can take to stay cooler in the shade.


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